Outlook 2010 - Edit An Existing Account

Step-By-Step Instructions to get you up and running in no time.

Access from Microsoft Office Outlook 2010

To edit an existing Microsoft Office Outlook 2010:

  1. Open Microsoft Office Outlook 2010.
  2. Go to File > Info > Account Settings (Shown below).
  3. Once the Account Settings window has opened, select your email account from the list shown and then press the Change button.
    ol2010 new email 2
  4. The Change Account window will now be displayed. You need to enter/change the following information:
    1. Incoming mail server: sdgfastmailer.co.uk
    2. Outgoing mail server (SMTP): sdgfastmailer.co.uk
    3. User Name: Your full email address, example email@example.com
      Note: The image below is from an account that uses IMAP. If you have a POP3 account this will show in the Account Type field instead
      ol2010 new email 3
  5. Whilst the Change Account window is open, press the More Settings button and ensure the following is selected:
    • My outgoing server (SMTP) requires authentication.

  6. Click OK
  7. Click Next.
  8. Click Finish.

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